size: 42cmx2cm, толщина 3 мм
1pc/poly bag
leadtime: образец leadtime: about 1 2-days; образец shipping по морю, экспресс или воздуху как ваши потребности.
size: 42cmx2cmcm, толщина 3 мм
1pc/poly bag
leadtime: образец leadtime: about 1 2-days; образец shipping по морю, экспресс или воздуху как ваши потребности.
dg-567e multifunctional carton shell lining production line
installation dimensions:7350*4690*2800mm
the required number of:1pcs
mechanical -weigh0.5 0.8mpa1518kw
carton shell/ liningproduction speed:-/-1200...
dg-567ed multifunctional carton shell lining production line
installation dimensions:7350*4990*2800mm
the required number of:1pcs
mechanical -weigh0.5 0.8mpa1518kw
carton/shell lineingproduction Скоро...
dg-567ad semi-automatic box making machine
installation dimensions:7350*4600*2800 мм
the required number of:2-3pcs
mechanical -weigh0.8mpa
workrate:14 17kw-
production speed18002200pcs h-model